LG Fine Art Photography

Meet Lacey, the creative and passionate photographer behind LG Fine Art Photography. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, Lacey has a keen eye for capturing the beauty and essence of her subjects, whether it's a landscape, a portrait, or a still life. Her work is characterized by its exquisite attention to detail, its emotional depth, and its timeless quality.

As a lover of nature and art, Lacey draws inspiration from the world around her, seeking to capture its beauty and mystery through her lens. Her photographs reflect her unique vision and style, combining technical mastery with artistic expression. Whether she's shooting in a studio or in the great outdoors, Lacey always strives to create images that are both beautiful and meaningful.

With a commitment to excellence and a love of beauty, Lacey is dedicated to creating timeless works of art that will be treasured for generations to come.

Fun Facts


I am passionate about visiting new places and experiencing different cultures around the world. My most memorable trip is when I solo traveled to Paris! I will be heading to Amsterdam next in April!

Florida Native

I'm a Texas transplant originally from Central Florida, where I attended the University of Central Florida and majored in Visual Art and Emerging Management. Go, Knights!

Interior Designer

I often experiment with rearranging my spaces (ask anyone that knows me). I believe in the power of changing a space to fit your needs or change your mood whether it is for a specific need or a changing season in life. I had the pleasure of designing the space above!


I'm your classic introverted homebody who loves spending time at home with my dogs, and hosting friends and family.


I love escaping with a good book. Some of my favorites have been "Little Secrets" by Jennifer Hillier, "The Only One Left" by Riley Sager, and "Yellowface" by R.F. Kuang.

Dog Lover

I have two Jack Russell Terriers. Tebow, (yes like Tim Tebow) who has been with me since high school and is 14 years old and Taya (Tay-uh), is nine years old. She has been with me since July 2022.